
AHCS DNA Guidelines



Information on mandatory parent verification and genetic defects for animal registrations

DNA parent verification is mandatory for all animal registrations (except Grade C and Steer registrations) from 1 January 2024.

Additional requirements for registration also apply for genetic defects from 25 August 2024.

The purpose of mandatory DNA parent verification is to remove any ambiguity and error as to the pedigree of an animal. This is important to ensure the integrity of the AHCS Herdbook.

Additional parent verification requirements for animal registrations (except Grade C and Steer registrations) are now in effect, from 1 January 2024.

A series of guidelines and resources have also been established by the AHCS to inform and assist members with the transition to mandatory parent verification, and to offer information to new members interested in joining the AHCS on the requirements for registration.

A comprehensive guide to genetic defects and requirements for Highland animal registrations from 25 August 2024 has also been prepared as an additional resource.

We encourage all current and prospective members to read over the guidelines, Frequently Asked Questions and fact sheets below.

It is strongly encouraged that all members also review and familiarize themselves with the AHCS Regulations and the Highland Breed Standard.

If you have questions regarding the Regulations, process for registration and completion of parent verification you are encouraged to reach out to an AHCS Councillor, State Representative of the AHCS Office. Contact details can be found on our Contact page.


Download the comprehensive guide to genetic defects and requirements for animal registrations below. This is a great resource to step you through an overview of the genetic defects, the AHCS Regulations that apply for registration and DNA Testing options.


Members may send DNA samples direct to Zoetis or an approved DNA lab and coordinated their own parent verification and genetic testing.

Members require to complete and send the Zoetis Test Request Form with their samples to Zoetis. The latest form can be accessed here below.


For assistance with DNA and Animal Registration requirements, contact your State Rep, an AHCS Councillor or the Society via our Contact page.

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